Our services

We run our Program live for our customers to get a perception of the next race from a schedule provided to all members. The membership is the access to the live streaming of our Program. In the live streaming the member will have a visual suggestion of an optimal selection to make an in and out trade in-play (back-lay) and there may be a narrator at times describing the market at that precise moment. The suggestions will be based on historical data and also by measuring the amount of money going into the market.

Our service provides no guarantees but our historical results proves our profitability. But we take no responsibility of any sort of loss or failure. There are different videos which explain and show how our live streaming service is provided to our members.

Our service could be described as a live channel that shows many alternatives or approaches to horse trading in the exchanges. The strategy is intended to TRADE INPLAY in and out of the market with a profitable exit. The service will give you a day access of a user link which will be provided by our team.

If there are any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

***We are currently giving memberships by invitation only or by contacting us directly***

Membership Live Streaming

Membership includes access to live streaming of the program, featuring real-time statistics and information about the next scheduled race.


A schedule is provided to all members one day prior to the live streaming event.

Our goal is to cover as many races as possible each day. The interval between races enhances our statistical accuracy, and while we typically aim for 10 minutes of data gathering, this may vary depending on market liquidity. In some cases, shorter intervals may be sufficient.

We are committed to continuously improving our process to ensure the satisfaction and support of our members.